Monday, December 11, 2017


There is a yogic practice called tapas. It is the practice of discipline or zeal in practice. It is a principle of fire and will.

There is another practice called santosha. It is the practice of contentment. It is of the qualities of surrender and faith.

I make lists for myself. Things I need to attend to, or wish to accomplish.

I write my lists on paper, old school.

I check the items off one at a time as I get things done.

My lists are not lofty or shooting for the stars. They are deeply ordinary for the most part.

Household chores
Appointments made and to be made
Emails to send
School functions
Things to look into for myself
Plan a class or for classes to come
Organize this and that...

These lists are a form of yoga practice. They keep me disciplined and moving forward even, and especially, when I want to waste away on the couch.

When I get a list done I feel that state of contentment.

Maybe this does not sound transcendent or even transformational.

It probably does not occur as a profound or highly evolved path.

It is a simple practice. It is chop wood and carry water. It is a way to hold things up and care for myself and those who rely upon me.

In that sense it is powerful, potent, and more than enough.

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